The Internet Vortex

Woman in Internet Vortex

I drew this cartoon of how I feel when I am caught in the vortex of the internet.

I decided to dive into the internet world. Not only to absorb more knowledge in photography, graphic design and art, but to put myself out there as an artist.

I have been swallowed up in page after page, blog after blog, tweet after tweet and image after image. I landed in this vortex of amazing artists, insightful people and successful individuals and businesses. I wanted to absorb their successes but instead I felt this overwhelming defeat and I walked away saying “there is no way I can compete with that.”

That is when I realized where I am going wrong, it isn’t a competition. We live in an era where knowledge and perspective is literally at our finger tips. If you want to know something,  you can find hundreds of different perspectives at once. There are so many individuals who want to get their story told, to get their art out there, and they want to get their ideas, thoughts and innovations acknowledge.

“Knowledge is Power” – Not sure who said that quote first…maybe I should Google it

There are billions of people with billions of thoughts, ideas, experiences and creations. The internet is but a fraction of those people. I don’t want to compete, I want to add to the experiences and knowledge that is presented on this giant wide world on the web. As overwhelming as it can all be, attacking it to figure out how to stand out above the rest only puts you down further.

Six word story graphic for HitRecord

Six word story graphic for HitRecord “I am lost in the shadows.”

I’ve been all over the place trying to decide where to take my blog, my website, business, artistry and life. I wanted to outshine others to draw attention to me. I am outside the box but I still feel like I am in the shadows. I’ve put myself in competitions, challenges, creative projects without possibly monetary gain and I keep feeling like I am coming out defeated. I would see what others did, who won or were chosen and I would feel crushed and say “obviously, I am not that good.”

That is lie, I am good!

What we don’t see is how many times that person has put themselves out there and has been rejected.

And so forth…

I have plans and goals for what I want to do. I have this opportunity in a full time position to accomplish anything I want to. I have the ability to put out there in the internetverse and add to the amazing artwork, knowledge and creativity that is there.

So no, my blog isn’t going to be about how to do this, or what to do when or how to be this…there are so many great websites already for that. This is a blog that is from my perspective about all the creative work I do, all my experiences as an artist and about people that I admire.

Maybe, just maybe, it will inspire someone else to keep trying.

Here is list of my top 5 favorite how-to creative websites and blogs: (they all open to a new tab)

Fro Knows Photo     Creative Market     Design Taxi

Fast Co Design     MCP Actions

and a site to submit fun projects too is HitRecord


What are your favorites? Comment below!