You always hear “ugh, another commercial!” But hardly ever from me.

When I was a young kid I some how, even at an early age, knew the significance of advertisement and what impact it had. I always enjoyed watching the commercials, not just the much anticipated Superbowl commercials or because I wanted to know what new toys were coming out, but almost all commercials. I eventually learned that there was a career in advertising and wanted to possibly go that direction. I was excited when I took those career tests and every time “advertising” was among the top suggestions.

As I grew and went into different pathways and tried different careers one of the best jobs I had, where it changed my life and lead me on a path of graphic design, is when I did ad design for the newspaper the Daily World. I loved that job. I had great mentors and it was a time for me to really learn how much I enjoy advertising. Now, my love for it comes with a disclaimer.

I love the idea of being able to market oneself. How else does a person learn about a place of business, service and/or product? Advertising. And yes, there is some kind of strategic lets try and make it appealing to certain demographics and this and that. There is also the ethics question. Which, was brought up during my college time; I posed the question, would you work on a project or alike if it is something that goes against your personal values and ethics?

Regardless, advertising can be a powerful force and under the right methods and distribution it can help build up a local economy and help small businesses in the area.  There is a reason there are commercials on TV. There is a reason there are ads in magazines and comic books. It pays for the publication’s expenses at the same time it helps the advertising business or what not get itself out there and known.

But, it has to be properly used and evenly distributed. Sure, watching 15 minutes of commercials and 5 minutes of your scheduled TV program can get a little annoying. Or like can be monotonous because you see the same commercials every 10 minutes. But they only have 1.5 to 2 minutes of commercials. I understand and appreciate the reasons behind the commercials and advertising.

I have an idea that is currently brewing  in regards to advertising. I am curious and hopeful to see if it does turn into something.

Support advertising!

Here are two car ads I did while at the Daily World that I really like and had fun making. Most imagery came from stock images.
