I have been neglecting my blogging. I know, terrible. However, it is for good reason. I have been super busy with getting things done! Yay. I have been focusing a lot of my time, however, on more graphic design projects than photography. I have been trying to catch up editing all these photographs I took in the past that have been collective digital dust. It was good to work on some of them. I still have a lot to go through and I am surprised that I neglected them for so long.

I longing look at some of them, wondering if they will ever be seen. Will I yank them from their digital existence and create prints of them? I wonder how many photographers just look at endless amount of their photography and yearn for each one to be seen. It is like picking a favorite child. Especially with building a printed portfolio. It is super hard to be so choosey.

I think my next project will have to be setting up a site where people can order my prints. I think that would be most desirable.

On a plus note, I have been working on my project I did with my friend Two Women One Mission. Hopefully that book will pan out soon. When I get it completed I will post a link on here.

Here are a few of my favorite photographs I finally decided to edit.

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