I have started my business full force these last two months. I have to say it hasn’t been easy, as most of you know, as I didn’t expect results right away there has been a few set-backs that make me feel like perhaps this wasn’t the right choice. No. I can’t think like that. I know that starting my business was the right choice for many reasons. I had to take a step back and really look at the bigger picture.  A very intelligent and intuitive friend said “if I were to die right now I would die happy.” He has spent many years getting to a point where he could write and do what he felt was he meant to do.

For the last few weeks I have been thinking that thought, would I die happy because I was doing what I love?  Maybe. Almost. It then lead me to think that I want to do too much. My brother Brian, who has 3D Modeling company called Vertex Studio, (check out his work at www.vrtxstudio.com!) has been suggesting to me to narrow it down. He has been pushing textures and reference photos for 3D Modeling. He believes that is where my talent is. I have been focusing my time on trying to get portrait photography work with very few results. I know I am good at it but would I be happy just doing that? I have to think, what am I good at? Photography but more nature and texture, product, business and architecture.  And I am good at graphic design. Graphic design is a given but where should I focus my photography?

I was given an opportunity to take a road trip with my mom to Utah. I decided that on this road trip I will use this as it  as a Road Trip to Photography Discovery. I want to see what I can accomplish and what I can capture during this trip. I will focus a lot on architecture, landscape, wanna-be marco, texture, and whatever else has inspired me.

As I am on day two, I will get to the day one blog post tonight, but for now I must hit the road and who knows what I will capture today. I am excited to share what I captured on day one.

Hwy 84 to Biggs Junction.

Hwy 97 from Biggs Junction.