I seriously cannot believe where the time went. Oh yeah, I know, working hard! I feel like I stopped writing about the Road Trip to Photography Discovery and left it hanging.  What did I discover? What more photos did I take? What conclusions did I come to, and where am I going?

So here it is,

Here I am with two of my brothers at Hogle Zoo. I think I was about 7. This is the Gopher holes that is no longer there.

Here I am with two of my brothers at Hogle Zoo. I think I was about 7. These are the Gopher holes that are no longer there. The safari is in it’s place. Still a fun Zoo though.

Road Trip to Photography Discovery Day 8  June 12, 2014

Today, we went to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City. It was so much fun. I have to say that I am impressed with how better zoos are becoming. Granted I get mixed feelings sometimes but as long as the animals are being treated well by the people who are in charge of them then I am okay with zoos. Hogle Zoo was so different than what I remembered as a little kid. I am going to admit, I was sad to see the gopher holes gone.  However, the changes, such as the Safari area, where you can view the animals in a more natural setting, makes the zoo experience very enjoyable. I got some great shots at Hogle Zoo. I took a more commercial approach to these photos. My mind frame while taking them was, “Would these look good on the brochure or signs?” I wanted to capture images that got a feel for the zoo, got the animals in action or, sometimes, not in action, and really concentrated on the reprint and use appeal, but with a fine art twist to where I could sell the images as prints.

It was fun to see my daughter’s reaction to all the animals. She and my aunt became buddies so there were times I was able to really focus on the photography; but then I got to see fun moments, too.

My favorite photo of the day. It was fun seeing the bears playing. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

My favorite photo of the day. It was fun seeing the bears playing. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

My favorite was the two bears fighting. I think about it all the time while I am doing my major photography project, Two Women One Mission. If I was out there and I came across a bear in the wild, what I would do.

The day was certainly fun and well worth it.

This is the new Safari part they have added. This Zebra was getting a dirt bath. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

This is the new Safari part they have added. This Zebra was getting a dirt bath. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

I love peacocks. If I could I would have one as a pet. This guy was just chillin' on the grass. It was a super warm day. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

I love peacocks. If I could I would have one as a pet. This guy was just chillin’ on the grass. It was a super warm day. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

This guy was fun. He kept swimming around and doing little tricks. He seemed pretty happy. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.

This guy was fun. He kept swimming around and doing little tricks. He seemed pretty happy. Hogle Zoo 2014 photo by ALimages.